Parent Info



First page of the PDF file: 24-25_WISD_Nomination_Flyer


Video Presentation

"We are pleased to share the recording of our recent virtual meeting on Gifted and Talented (GT) identification and assessment. This session provides valuable information on the assessment procedures and services available for our gifted and talented students. Please check out the recording and the nomination flyer linked here to learn more!"


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Reminder: Cell phone use is not allowed during the instructional day (7:25-3:25), this includes during lunch and recess periods. Any phones that are confiscated will have to be picked up after school by a parent and a $15 dollar fee will be charged. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Awards and Honors (Elementary and Middle Schools)

CUM LAUDE A student will earn CUM LAUDE designation at the end of the six weeks grading period if their overall average, for all core courses taken, is an 85 to 89.9. A student will earn CUM LAUDE designation at the end of the school year if their overall average, for all core courses taken, is an 85-89.9. (Core: reading, writing, math, social studies, science

MAGNA CUM LAUDE A student will earn MAGNA CUM LAUDE designation at the end of the six weeks grading period if their overall average, for all core courses taken, is a 90-94.9. A student will earn MAGNA CUM LAUDE designation at the end of the school year if their overall average, for all core courses taken, is a 90-94.9. (Core: reading, writing, math, social studies, science) 

SUMMA CUM LAUDE A student will earn SUMMA CUM LAUDE designation at the end of the six weeks grading period if their overall average, for all core courses taken, is a 95-100. A student will earn SUMMA CUM LAUDE designation at the end of the school year if their overall average, for all core courses taken is a 95-100. (Core: reading, writing, math, social studies, science